Turning it off will negatively impact the end user experience in several ways such as not opening ICA files automatically when a resource is launched.įeatures affected that cannot be used with just the HTML5 Receiver and require client detection to have succeeded. This article tells you how to disable client detection on prem but not what the consequences of turning it off actually are and why it isn't recommended. I believe you are referring to this article?. I have seen posts where you edit the 'pluginAssistant' value from a StoreFont config file, but we use Citrix Cloud so can't do this. Here are some useful blog posts from our architect Feng Huang to provide more context on what I am saying Edge would also do the same except a Win registry key is automatically set to suppress this prompt when the native Receiver/Workspace app is installed. Chrome, FireFox and Safari 12.0 all prompt the user to explicitly allow this at least once. It requires a human to interact with Workspace for web to give the browser permission to run the protocol handler. Most browsers can remember this decision and not hassle the end user about it again later unless browser cookies are cleared. The "Detect Workspace" button invokes a protocol handler, which is part of the native Receiver/Workspace app installation, which must be authorised to run by the user at least once. This is make sure they have the best user experience and can use all features. It is necessary to interact with the end user because if the native app isn't installed we want to give the user a chance to install it on their device before letting them use Workspace for web. This cannot be achieved if client detection is skipped or disabled. Client detection is needed so that Receiver for Web (on prem) or Workspace for Web (Citrix Cloud) can figure out if the native Receiver/Workspace app is installed on the client.

I strongly recommend you don't disable client detection in Citrix Cloud even when this option becomes available. Skip the client detection process altogether by disabling it? Are you saying that you wish to remove the need for the end user to actually click on the "Detect Workspace" button and you want this to happen automatically?